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What Mr Fisher wouldn't have known at that point is his mother and father had already passed away, on January 6 and January 4 respectively. 'I told him to get himself right, and those were the last words I said to him. 'On the Friday I got a phone call from Darren to say they were going to put him on a ventilator. 'He was really struggling to breathe and we phoned an ambulance on December 29. 'Darren got a bit of a cold and began to struggle to breathe,' Ms Latham said. Things then got even worse when Mr Fisher began to display symptoms of the disease. 'A few days later, she tested positive for coronavirus as her condition got worse.' 'She began to feel tired and rundown,' Tracey said. Things began to go wrong when Pat, who fell and hurt her leg on Boxing Day, was admitted to the Royal Derby Hospital on December 27. Ms Latham says the only member of the family who had an underlying health condition was Pat, who had diabetes. Pictured: Darren with his parents, Pat and David Fisher The family, who had been shielding since March, met up on Christmas Day after the Government relaxed rules and allowed households to meet for one day only.